

您当前的位置:首页 >福建省 > 厦门市 >同安区 >厦门立琪电子有限公司
今天是 01月15 星期三

厦门立琪电子有限公司创立于2009年4月,2010年7月正式注册成立。由原生产手机手写笔成功转型为一家集开发、生产、销售于一体的手机USB数据线企业。随着公司的快速发展,从USB数据线事业部为基础陆续增加了五金事业部、耳机事业部、汽车线束/配件事业部。 公司位于厦门的总部目前有自购工业区标准厂房总面积8000多平方米,员工300多人。另外四川,湖北两地设3个生产基地,总员工近1800人,有效地了客户的产能要求。公司2013年总产值已突破人民币亿元大关。 我司秉承‘顾客至上,锐意进取,客户,为客户提供性价比的产品‘的经营理念,并在实践中培养了一支具有较高综合素质和职业精神的人才队伍在发展中不断赢得客户的信任。 未来的日子,让我们一起携手,真诚合作,不断超越,共筑新的事业梦想!Xiamen Li Qi Electronics Co., Ltd. was started up in April, 2009 . and formally registered in July, 2010. We produced the mobile handwriting pen before, and then transformation into the enterprise which professional manufacturer of usb cable , involving of Developing, producing and selling and have strong production and technical team successfully. With the rapidly developing of our company,We add hardware business division, earphone business division, car harness/accessories business division,, which based on the data connection cables. Our headquarters located in Xiamen, we own standard factory building which area more than 8000 square meters and more than 300 employees. And then we establish three production base in Sichuan, Hubei Province. All the employees nearly around 1800, it effectively guarantee the customer's production requirements. Our output has exceeded one hundred million RMB in 2013. By sticking to the enterprise spirit of “ The customer is king, enterprising innovating, customer firstly, offer best goods to customer " ,we cultivate one team with high comprehensive quality and professional personnel in practice, and then win the customers’ trust in the developing constantly. Let's join our hands and cooperate sincerely in the future to surpass ourselves and build up our new dream in enterprise development!

公司名称 厦门立琪电子有限公司
所 在 地 福建省 福建省厦门市同安工业集中区思明园149-150号(361100)
